Happy 2012! Enjoy two new words for the price of one to kickstart a new year of dedicated blogging!
First up:
adj \pȯr-ˈten-təs\
: of, relating to, or constituting a portent portentous foreshadowing, hints of sinister and violent mysteries — Francine Prose>
: eliciting amazement or wonder : prodigious
a : being a grave or serious matter <portentous decisions> b : self-consciously solemn or important : pompous <portentous declamation unsalted by the least trace of humor — W. H. Pritchard> c : ponderously excessive portentous phrases — R. M. Coles>
— por·ten·tous·ly adverb
— por·ten·tous·ness noun
Use this word in a sentence!
The dead bird in the middle of the yard was portentous of much doom.
The extra weight I am carrying in my thighs is portentous of a rigorous New Year's exercise program.
This word is also associated with the word PORTENT, which is synonymous with omen, or sign. Some might believe that this connotes only negative usage, but quite the contrary! Portents can be good or bad. The point is, something portentous signifies something of, well, significance. But it sounds cooler when connected with doom.
Which brings us to our next word!
adj \fȯr-ˈtü-ə-təs, -ˈtyü-, fər-\
: occurring by chance
a : fortunate, lucky fortuitous — Business Week> b : coming or happening by a lucky chance fortuitous train — Doris Lessing>
— for·tu·itous·ly adverb
— for·tu·itous·ness noun
Use this word in a sentence!
It was quite fortuitous that I had an umbrella in my car, because that rain came out of nowhere!
It is fortuitous that my husband surprised us with the corgi puppy, because Neurotic Dog was destroying everything in sight!
This word essentially describes a happy coincidence. Use this word when something has occurred for which you are relieved and grateful. I.e. a puppy coming along that calms down the other dog, who enjoys chewing on couch cushions when left alone.
Go impress people with your vast intelligence!*
*Note the hyperlinked words throughout the post. These are other vocabulary words that some people might not know. If you don't know them, look them up! If you do, feel free to use them in conjunction with the words of the day for double, even triple the impress effect! People will be stunned by your eloquence! (Or not, if they are used to it.)
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