It's every person's secret dream: to be able to wake up in the morning at a reasonable hour, pour a cup of coffee, and sit down on the couch with their laptop in their pajamas--and work. The brass ring that is freelancing can seem unattainable to those just now entering the work force, but Michelle Goodman illuminates the potential in any career for the ultimate at-home workday--then she offers practical, friendly, useful advice on how to achieve the goal. In My So-Called Freelance Life , Goodman offers up a cohesive, user-friendly guide for grasping at the perfect job--the kind where the only supervisor is the cat sitting next to you on the couch. "If you want the world to take you seriously as a creative professional, you need to start bringing home the bacon." Firstly, the book was a genuine pleasure to read. Goodman's writing style is familiar and funny, incorporating useful tips and anecdotes that supplement her extensive experience and research. Ever...
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