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Lemon Blueberry Pancakes

This past weekend was very momentous for me. It was my first visit of the summer to the local farmer's market! I love the Edmond farmer's market. The squash! The peaches! The berries! My goodness. It is the latter which concerns me most today. Or rather, last weekend. 

I got some gorgeous blueberries from the farmer's market. And for a bargain! And I thought there could be no better use for them than to use them to make breakfast. So I set out to make lemon blueberry pancakes. Much to my later chagrin, I did not elect to make them from scratch using the Pioneer Woman recipe. I took the easy way out, and started with the basic Bisquik pancake batter, making up the rest on a whim. 

Sometimes I do weird things. You can see one here. When I crack open eggs, I put the shells back in the carton. I don't really know why I started doing this, but I can tell you that it came in handy when I planted my garden this spring. I put seeds in eggshells with dirt, and voila! Green, natural seedlings that I could put right in the ground, with no throwaway containers! So now I feel totally justified in doing my weird thing.
These are the gorgeous blueberries. I'm so glad I got them. They were one hundred percent bursting with flavor. I added the entire pint to the pancake batter. My pancakes were simply overrun with antioxidants!
This is a giant lemon that I bought at Crest. If you don't know about Crest, you will. More on the wonders of that particular grocery store to come at a later date. But check out that lemon, huh? I shamelessly juiced the entire thing into the pancake batter as well.

I then decided that lemon juice wasn't enough lemon, so I zested the shell and threw the zest into the mix, along with a little vanilla, just for kicks. I kind of wanted to eat the batter with a spoon. It's another one of those weird eggshell things. Not many people like raw pancake batter, but I do. Because I'm like that.

I used my folding griddle for the first time! It was glorious. I scooped out the pancakes 1/4c. at a time, and it made the perfect size pancake. And as they cooked the blueberries burst open, leaking lovely purple juice all into the pancakes and making them yummy. The only thing I wish I would have done is add a little bit of sugar. The blueberries were delicious, but they have their own bite, and added to the tartness of the lemon, the pancakes just weren't cakey enough for me. Oh well, live and learn. I'll know for next time. And this batch was more than edible, so really no harm done.  

I'm glad I could share this with you. Be like me and make these pancakes, then take them out to the cool, breezy back patio and share them with your husband while he tells you about his landscaping plans. It's what life is supposed to be like. 

In other news, check out this ridiculous cucumber that my mom got from her garden. It is almost a foot long! I ate it with Greek yogurt ranch dip. If you haven't made Greek yogurt ranch dip, you are missing out. Just take a tub of the Greek stuff, and add a packet of Ranch dressing mix. Low fat, low cal, and absolutely delish, especially with cucumbers. Or crinkle Lays. Yum.


  1. Those look (and sound) delicious. I've been wanting to go to the farmer's market in Edmond but just haven't yet. Mostly because I'm too lazy to get up that early and drive all the way to Edmond.

  2. The pancakes, I'm sure, were delicious, but a photographic suggestion if I may: You say that lemon was huge, and I believe you, but with just it in the picture I have no reference to verify it's largeness. It's looks exactly like a medium size or even a small lemon. But good post!


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