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It's World Teacher's Day!

It's World Teacher Day! A very important day. Education is something that I feel very passionately about, and while I try not to get too political on my blog, I do feel strongly that America does a disservice to its children by not providing them with quality education, and depriving teachers of resources and wages that they need to do their jobs.

Teachers are valuable for more than simply providing kids with information. Often, teachers in low-income communities are the only stable adult that children come in contact with. They are role models and encouragers and sounding boards and confidants. I personally can remember several teachers that had a huge impact on my life and taught me things that I really do use to this day. Without them, I can truly say I would not be who I am. 

So let's take this moment to celebrate the educators around the world and thank them for everything they do! Grammarly has provided this great infographic detailing some fun facts about teachers and education: 

World Teacher Day


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