per·spi·ca·cious adj \ˌpər-spə-ˈkā-shəs\ Definition of PERSPICACIOUS : of acute mental vision or discernment : keen — per·spi·ca·cious·ly adverb — per·spi·ca·cious·ness noun — per·spi·cac·i·ty noun Origin of PERSPICACIOUS Latin perspicac-, perspicax, from perspicere First Known Use: 1640 Use it in a sentence! People who don’t enjoy Harry Potter obviously lack perspicacity. I might kill myself if my children aren’t perspicacious. People with telepathy absolutely possess great amounts of perspicaciousness. Incidentally, Word’s spellchecker doesn’t recognize perspicaciousness as a word. I hate when it tells me I’m wrong when I know I have spelled something right. It makes me feel like I am going crazy and then I end up typing, deleting, and re-typing the same word about ten times before deciding to move on. I received this word in a “Word of the Day” email a loooong time ago. It has always stuck with me because it sounds so much like a really sophisticated insult. It’s ...
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